Ignou Solved Assignment for BCSL-034 DBMS Lab | SolveZone

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Ignou Solved Assignment for BCSL-034 DBMS Lab

University  IGNOU
Service Type Solved Assignment
Course B.C.A
Short Name or Subject Code Ignou Solved Assignment for BCSL-034 DBMS Lab
Product B.C.A of Solved Assignment (IGNOU)
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This assignment has only one question. Answer the question. This question carries 40 marks. Rest 10 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanation. Please go through the guidelines regarding the assignments given in the programme guide for the format of presentation

Q1. An ABC Event Management Company requires a computerized system to automize its operations that support the following activities:

  •  Event Marketing (like Marketing channels include social media, email marketing, media and blog sites)
  •  Event Registration(Online and Offline at the venue)
  •  Badges printing for all the participants
  •  Scheduling of Events
  •  Complete Budget Management for the Event
  •  Event Reporting
  •  Query support
  •  Report generation

Perform the following tasks:

(i) Using any of the drawing tools like smartdraw, dia, visio, conceptdraw etc. or else by your own hand, draw the complete ER diagram for the above event management system by identifying the entities, relationships, cardinality and key constraints. Follow proper conventions.

(ii) Create database to support/accommodate all the functionalities referred above. Perform Normalization till required NF and prepare Normalized tables.

(iii) Using MS-Access, implement by designing various forms to support two modules (i) event marketing and (ii) event registration activities mentioned above.

(iv) Report generation should include the expenditure statement for event-marketing (event-wise), reports of list of participants (event-wise), list of resource persons (event-wise) etc..

Note: You must perform the above said activities and also take prints of screenshots of the layouts, sample input and output along with the necessary documentation for this practical question. Assumptions can be made wherever necessary.