Write an Algorithm for Binary Searching. | SolveZone

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Write an Algorithm for Binary Searching.

University  Amity blog
Service Type Assignment
Short Name or Subject Code Data and File Structure using C
Product of Assignment (Amity blog)
Pattern Section A,B,C Wise
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Data and File Structure using C


1. Write an algorithm for binary searching.

2 . Suppose Name1 is a linked list in memory. Write an algorithm that copies Name1 into a list Name2.

3. Consider the following infix expression Q: ((A+B)*D)↑ (E-F). Write an algorithm to convert it into postfix expression and hence find the postfix expression.

4 . Write an algorithm for insertion sort.

5. Sort the following array of elements using bubble sort: {3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8}

6. Write an algorithm for insertion and deletion from the queue.

7 . Explain different types of data structures.

8. Describe the tower of Hanoi problem. Show recursive moves for n = 4.

Case Detail:
Suppose each data structure is stored in a circular array with N memory cells.

1. Find the number NUMB of elements in a queue in terms of FRONT and REAR.

2.    Find the number NUMB of elements in a deque in terms of LEFT and RIGHT. 

3.    When will the array be filled?


In an adjacency matrix parallel, edges are given by
A node n is adjacent to a node m if there is an arc from    
Level of any node of a tree is    
A complex number contains
A NULL pointer is used to tell