Describe the Data Types Supported by C++.  | SolveZone

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Describe the Data Types Supported by C++. 

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Short Name or Subject Code Introduction to Object Oriented Programming and C++
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Introduction to Object Oriented Programming and C++


1  (a) Describe the data types supported by C++. 

 (b) Write a program to arrange the given set of numbers in ascending order using pointer.

2.  What is structure in C++? Why we use structure? Write a program by using structure

3. (a) Explain the loop structures available in C++. Solve by

(b) Write a program to print prime numbers between two limits

4 (a) Explain the different types of inheritance supported by C++. 

(b) When do you use a virtual function? Explain with suitable example

5 (a) What is Compile time polymorphism? Explain with an example

(b) Write a program to perform complex number arithmetic operations using operator overloading

6 (a) Explain the use of pointers in C++. 

(b) Create a class MAT of size m x n. Define all possible matrix operations for MAT type objects

7 (a) What is a friend function? What are the merits and demerit of using friend  function?

(b) Explain the different types of constructors in C++

8 (a) Describe the basic concepts of object-oriented programming

(b) Illustrate with an example, how the endl and setw manipulator works?


Write a program in C++ to count the number of words in a line of text

 How will you transfer values from derived class constructor to base class constructor? Explain with suitable illustration


A function that is called automatically each time an object is destroyed is a *
 (A): Destructor
 (B): Destroyer
 (C): Remover
 (D): Terminator

which function is a non-member function that has full access to private member of a class?
 (A): friend fnction
 (B): inline function
 (C): virtual function
 (D): static function

What is default scope for a structure ?
 (A): Private
 (B): Protected
 (C): Public
 (D): None of aobve

Which one of the following is not a valid reserved keyword in C++
 (A): Explicit
 (B): Public
 (C): Implicit
 (D): Private

What punctuation ends most lines of C++ code?
 (A): . (dot)
 (B): ; (semi-colon)
 (C): : (colon)
 (D): ' (single quote)

Constructors __________ to allow different approaches of object construction.
 (A): cannot overloaded
 (B): can be overloaded
 (C): can be called
 (D): can be nested

In C++ Functions can returns ?
 (A): arrays
 (B): reference
 (C): objects
 (D): all of above

A class having no public constructors is
 (A): A public protected class
 (B): A public class
 (C): A protected class
 (D): A private class

When one class inherits from the base class, then the original class is called ?
 (A): derived class
 (B): base class
 (C): sub class
 (D): basic class

&& means ?
 (A): Logical OR
 (B): Bitwise OR
 (C): Logical AND
 (D): Bitwise AND

Which operators can not be overloaded ?
 (A): Binary operator
 (B): Ternary operator
 (C): Unary operator
 (D): All can be overloaded

ata members and member functions are enclosed within ?
 (A): union
 (B): structure
 (C): class
 (D): array

Which of following valid option will not return a value in c++ ?
 (A): void
 (B): free
 (C): empty
 (D): null

Size of a char is ?
 (A): 1
 (B): 2
 (C): 3
 (D): 4

Which is more memory efficient ?
 (A): structure
 (B): union
 (C): both use same memory
 (D): depends on a programm

It is possible to declare as a friend
 (A): A member function
 (B): A global function
 (C): A class
 (D): All of the above


A C++ program statements can be commented using
 (A): Single line comment
 (B): Multi line comment
 (C): Either (a) or (b)
 (D): Both (a) and (b).

A user defined header file is included by following statement in general.
 (A): #include “file.h”
 (B): #include
 (C): #include
 (D): #include file.h

Which of the following is not the keyword in C++?
 (A): volatile
 (B): friend
 (C): extends
 (D): this

Designer of C++ programming language.
 (A): Charles Babbage
 (B): Dennis Ritchie
 (C): Brain Kernighan
 (D): Bjarne Stroustrup

An exception is __
 (A): Runtime error
 (B): Compile time error
 (C): Logical error
 (D): None of the above

Which is the storage specifier used to modify the member variable even though the class object is a constant object?
 (A): auto
 (B): register
 (C): static
 (D): mutable

When the compiler cannot differentiate between two overloaded constructors, they are called
 (A): Overloaded
 (B): Destructed
 (C): Ambiguous
 (D): Dubious

Runtime polymorphism is achieved by
 (A): friend function
 (B): virtual function
 (C): Operator overloading
 (D): function overloading

What will be the output of following program? #include void main() { float x; x=(float)9/2; cout<<="" td="" style="box-sizing: border-box;">
 (A): 4.5
 (B): 4.1
 (C): 4
 (D): 5

Constructors __________ to allow different approaches of object construction.
 (A): cannot overloaded
 (B): can be overloaded
 (C): can be called
 (D): can be nested

Destructor has the same name as the constructor and it is preceded by ?
 (A): ?
 (B): $
 (C): ~
 (D): !

Which of the following access specifier is used as a default in a class definition?
 (A): protected
 (B): public
 (C): private
 (D): friend

Which of the following operators cannot be overloaded?
 (A): []
 (B): ->
 (C): ?:
 (D): *

Which of the following is a mechanism of static polymorphism?
 (A): Operator overloading
 (B): Function overloading
 (C): Templates
 (D): All of the above

Which of the following ways are legal to access a class data member using this pointer?
 (A): this->x
 (B): this.x
 (C): *this.x
 (D): *this-x

Which of the following functions are performed by a constructor?
 (A): Construct a new class
 (B): Construct a new object
 (C): Construct a new function
 (D): Initialize objects

Which of the following cannot be used with the keyword virtual?
 (A): class
 (B): member functions
 (C): constructor
 (D): destructor

Which of the following concept of oops allows compiler to insert arguments in a function call if it is not specified?
 (A): Call by value
 (B): Call by reference
 (C): Default arguments
 (D): Call by pointer

Which of the following term is used for a function defined inside a class?
 (A): Member Variable
 (B): Member function
 (C): Class function
 (D): Classic function

Which of the following concepts means determining at runtime what method to invoke?
 (A): Data hiding
 (B): Dynamic Typing
 (C): Dynamic binding
 (D): Dynamic loading

Which of the following is not the member of class?
 (A): Static function
 (B): Friend function
 (C): Const function
 (D): Virtual function
In which type does the enumerators are stored by the compiler?
a) string
b) integer
c) float
d) none of the mentioned

Among following which will give the size of object or type ?

How we can define member function outside the class?
Using union
Using structure
Using pointers
Using scope resolution