Ignou solved assignment for MGS-004 Gender sensitive planning and policy making | SolveZone

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Ignou solved assignment for MGS-004 Gender sensitive planning and policy making

University  IGNOU
Service Type Solved Assignment
Course MA GD
Short Name or Subject Code MGS-004 Gender sensitive planning and policy making
Product MA GD of Solved Assignment (IGNOU)
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Answer the following in 200 words each.

1. Write short notes on the following: a) Gender Aware Planning b) Welfare and development  

2. Write an essay on the significance of seventh and eleventh five year plans of India. 

3. Define Cost- benefit Analysis. Explain principles of cost –benefit analysis in gender planning. 

4. Explain different phases of gender planning in India in detail.


PART-B Answer any two of the questions given below in 1000 words each.

1. List typologies of gender –sensitive polices given by Theodore Lowi. 

2. Explain various models of policy formulation and development in detail.

3. Identify three best practices/case studies related to gender planning and policy making from popular magazines or newspapers and analyze those cases from gender perspectives.